Deanne kept thinking to herself, "All these travelers have absolutely no idea what a monumental event is occuring in our lives right now."
There was a cute young family in line next to Austin. Courtney noticed that they kept glancing over at him and talking. Suddenly they said to him, "Good luck, Elder!" That is when Deanne fell apart. It was a reminder to us of what a small world it really is and how the gospel is growing.
Austin reported later that he felt strongly that little family was placed there at that time to help him feel less alone in the world as he boarded his plane. They ended up sitting near him on his flight to Utah. Austin called it one of the Savior's tender mercies.
This is the order in which I think Austin will miss 'people':
1. Becca Menke
2. Olivia, his niece
3. Shadrach and Molly, his dogs
4. Chris Opificius
5. I think the rest of us are all jumbled up somewhere on or below spot #5. ;)
Here is Austin with his best friend, Chris Opificius (one of our "adopted" sons). Chris leaves on November 30th to serve a mission in the Dominican Republic.

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