This blog is a series of entries and pictures dedicated to following the activities and thoughts of Elder Austin Claiborne as he devotes 24 months to serving the people in the Philippines Manila Mission. Work hard, Austin and return with honor. We love you.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Week 12

Elder Claiborne reports another busy week sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. In his separate letter home he reports that his companion, Elder Nye, is an excellent trainer and he describes his mission president as a spiritual giant (all 5'5" of him). He also tells us that prior to her baptism, Nanay Fannie was so excited she was jumping around doing karate, which is even more humorous given that she is apparently 60 years old! Thanks to everyone who has taken time to write to him. The letters are slow in arriving (even through but when they do arrive, they mean a great deal to him.

General Update:

Epefania Justiniane Ramos (Nanay Fannie) was baptized on September 24, 2011 and confirmed on September 25, 2011. It was a great day for a missionary! She was so excited, it was great!Oh, on a more random note, I saw the American Idol winners last week. haha We went to Market Market which is basically a mall. It's very Americanized. We go there every preparation day so we can buy food for the week, and it just so happened that at the exact time we went, the American Idol people we there. I don't remember who all it was, but I saw Scotty Mcsomethin, Lauren, and a bunch of the other top ten people from last season. We didn't linger or anything, but it was super random! haha So I thought I would throw that in my email this week.

On the same day, I was able to get my shirts tailored (they feel so much better now..), and play a pick-up basketball game with a group of Philippino guys. It was fun, and a bunch of people were stopping to watch the white American play basketball, because it's not something they are used to seeing. haha Oh, and I dominated. Duh.

O.k. well those things don't have much of anything to do with missionary work, but I thought they were fun stories.

My Tagalog is improving slowly but surely. That has easily been my biggest hindrance so far.. I'll get there though. We've been teaching a ton of lessons lately, but hope to be able to get more members present for our lessons. It's always helpful when a testimony comes from someone who is't a full time missionary.

I'm trying my best to put all my focus on the work here, but I'm not going to lie, I miss everyone back home a ton! I try to keep everyone in my prayers, which keeps me on my knees for a long time some nights.

A good section of scripture study this week is Alma 32:28-43 :) God bless everyone. Remember to show God you love him by keeping his commandments!


-Elder Austin R. Claiborne

Thursday, September 22, 2011


My favorite part of blogs...the pictures. Here are some pictures of Austin while in the MTC. He will be sending more next week. -Court

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Week 11

Elder Claiborne sent pictures this week with his email. They are MTC pictures, but pictures nonetheless. Courtney will be posting them shortly. We're hoping for some Philippines pictures next week.

I've been reflecting on Elder Claiborne's comment this week about why the people of the Philippines love the missionaries so much. I cannot remember a time in my life when I didn't have at least a basic knowledge that I was a child of God and that our Father in Heaven sent his Son to atone for our sins and sorrows and to give his life on the cross. I cannot remember ever wondering if our spirits are eternal or whether we would be resurrected. Thinking of growing up without a knowledge of God and his plan for his children is as foreign to me as living each day without sunlight.

Beyond being able to teach people about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, Elder Claiborne has the unique opportunity to teach those who are without even a basic knowledge of God. Is there anything more important?
In the past 11 weeks I have come to see what a great circle of blessings a mission is to every full-time missionary. It blesses the missionary, his or her family and friends, those he or she teaches and finally those taught by these new converts.

Well, my update won't be very long this week because my wonderful mother likes to be long winded in her letters! So I spent most of my email time reading her letter, but that's okay because I still love her.

It's only been 5 days since my last email, because our preparation days got a little mixed up since we had Temple day last Wednesday (which became our Preparation day). So that's why my emails are close together this week. Just didn't want anyone to think I was being disobedient!

We've had a pretty good week of work, except we couldn't proselyte last Wednesday, or last Saturday. Wednesday was Mission Temple day. Then on Saturday, I had a pretty amazing day. One of Elder Nye's old investigators was being married in the Temple, so we were able to attend. It meant waking up at 4 a.m. but it was worth it. Before the wedding, all these people I didn't even know kept having me get in their wedding pictures because they said I was "pogi." That was fun, usually at an American wedding you wouldn't throw random people in your wedding pictures!

We then went into the Temple for the wedding ceremony. Wow! I want that one day. It was pretty special.

We then went to the reception, and sat in the back, like most missionaries would do. Then the Groom's mother came and got the four of us Elders and had us sit at the head table with the other Immediate family and V.I.P.'s. I was pretty surprised. I just met these people that morning. It got me thinking about the Philippine people. Looking around at the people and the love in their hearts was pretty humbling. So many people in America are so much wealthier, yet these people were willing to give me, a stranger, the very best they had. I see it almost every day when I go into their humble homes and they give us the best they can afford. It is humbling.

A lot of it is just their culture, but I realize there's a lot more to it for us as missionaries. Among both investigators and members of the church. They are SO grateful to us. Even me, as a new missionary. They love us because of what we brought to their country. The gospel of Jesus Christ. Those who have accepted and acted on the message have been able to find real happiness and they love it.

We were then able to go out to work and taught three or four good lessons before going to a baptism that night. (Not one of our investigators, but just to offer support.)

So yeah, Saturday was pretty great. Witnessing an ordinance of exaltation as well as an ordinance of salvation.

Other then that we're just working hard. We were able to get a "perfect pull-up" set up at our apartment. At the expense of the door frame... Hopefully I can get back into better shape with that thing.

Oh yeah, and I'll be baptizing a lady named Nany Fanny this Saturday. It will be the first person I baptize so it's pretty exciting. We also have 5 investigators who have chosen to accept baptismal dates and hope to invite more this week. How exciting for them!

O.k. well I was able to give a pretty good sized update anyways. My email to just my parents will be what suffers! God bless.


-Elder Austin R. Claiborne

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Week 10

You may have noticed I adjusted all my weeks by one. Because Elder Claiborne's emails arrived on Fridays and I posted them on Mondays, but he left on a Wednesday. We were off by almost a week. He has now been on his mission for 10 weeks (9 weeks in the MTC and one week in Manila).

We were able to track Elder Claiborne as far as California where Courtney, Dallin and Olivia stayed up to receive his call. Olivia performed well and said all her new words and sounds for her Uncle Austin. He was going to attempt to call again from Hong Kong but his phone card apparently stopped working. We assumed he arrived safely in Manila on the 7th. We were hoping for an email on Friday, but that is not their Preparation Day so nothing came.

Monday came and went and there was no word. Then Tuesday arrived -- nothing! Yikes! What had they done with my son??? Finally, on Wednesday morning, we woke up to an email he had been typing while we were sound asleep. (Remember, he is now a full 12 hours ahead of us.)

I could not stop smiling the rest of the day. Not just because we had finally heard from him, although that was great in itself. No, it was the content of the email that brought another grin to my face every time I thought of it. When he was in the MTC, we kept encouraging him to send us a bit more detail. I think that will no longer be a problem. He will have much to tell from this point forward. I will NEVER look at toilet paper the same again --nor will Elder Claiborne!

It was just a sampling of what I can see are going to be a long line of emails detailing all his interesting experiences in another culture. His report is below. Enjoy!

General Update:

Wow. I don't now how on earth I could ever explain everything that has gone on in my first week. This place is so crazy.

I'm serving in the Bonifacio 5th Ward right now, which is in the Makati East Zone. So I'm in the city, which is the dirtiest most polluted place I've ever been in my life... It's hard to get used to, but if I say I love these people (and I do) then I can't complain about living like them. Which includes, but is not limited to, no toilet paper, no air conditioning, no working shower, washing clothes by hand, and many more similar luxuries.

The food is different. It is going to be very hard to eat healthy here.. Almost everything I've had has been very good though. We had some squid that kind of threw me off, especially the tentacles. Oh, and we also had some fish where the fish's eyes were staring back at me, it was good though. Oh and I found out half way through eating Sigsig that there are pieces of pig ear in it... I picked those out.

Eating here will be an adventure in and of itself! It's fine with me though, I'm not picky.

One of the biggest shocks to me, besides the terrible air quality, is the traffic. There are no actual laws. It's like a giant game of Mario Cart. The only understood rules are, nose goes, honk and/or yell to let people know you're there, and be alert. It's okay though, because I don't have anything to drive, so I just have to make sure I don't get hit while I'm walking. We ride Jeepneys a lot too. There is no way I could explain those things, so just look them up.

The church is still very new here in the Philippines, so everyone still relies on the missionaries a lot. All the member have been super nice though, and the kids are a lot of fun. The members of the church generally speak some English, or at least Taglish.

Speaking of the language.... That has been the biggest struggle I think. It is a lot more difficult than I anticipated. Coming out of the MTC I thought I would be alright at it. I was wrong. So most people think I'm just shy, but really it's because I have no idea what they're saying half the time, or how to respond to it. I'm able to teach things in lessons though, even if it's rough. Most people are nice about it though. Except the Nanay's (older ladies), they tell me I need to get better. Oh yeah, things that are considered rude in America, are allowed here. Like telling someone they're fat, or ugly. haha it's funny because nobody cares.

My Trainer's name in Elder Nye. He's from Utah, but he's fluent in Tagalog. Having an American companion is super helpful at times, but makes it a little harder to practice the language because he likes to speak English to me. He's a great Elder though, we have been working hard. We have a LOT of new investigators. We actually got 11 new investigators yesterday during finding. Our schedule is pretty full. I LOVE watching the gospel change people's lives. I've only been here a week, but you can see the light entering people's eyes as they accept the message we have to share. The message that Christ lives, that He suffered for our sins and afflictions. and that through His Atonement we can find joy in life that we never knew before.

Oh yeah, I got held up the other day. Sort of. haha. A little boy came up to me with his laser pointer and said "Hey Joe! Gimme all yo money!" (Everyone here calls Americans "Joe.") I just scared him off and he ran away. It was so funny. The kids like to yell anything they know in English at us, and then they're shocked when we speak Tagalog back. Well, I wish I had more time to try and explain everything that I'm experiencing here. It's so different. My mission continues to be the hardest thing I've ever done, but bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ into people's lives makes it worth it. God bless.

-Elder Austin R. Claiborne

Week 9

After receiving word that the missionaries would be allowed to call home from the airport before their flights to their mission destinations, we planned a "special" Family Home Evening which consisted of staring at our cell phones and willing them to ring. Finally around 9:30 pm we got the call. I don't even like to talk on the phone, but hearing Austin's voice on the other end was an oh so sweet sound!

We talked his ear off. He had finished up at the MTC with some really positive experiences but we could hear in his voice how excited, yet nervous, he was to finally, finally, be on his way! I cannot remember most of what we talked about. Our only goal seemed to be to keep him on the phone so the call didn't end.

He gave us the details about his flights and who was in his group. Jack gave him travel advice. He talked about how much his niece, Olivia has already changed in just the few weeks he's been gone. Austin shared with us again how amazing Elder Holland's talk was from the prior week.

It was especially fun to hear Austin talk to his brothers. They were all hanging on each other's words. Austin went into coaching mode at one point after listening to them talk to him about how they were doing in football. He gave him the lecture about hard work and not giving up and reminded them that it goes by fast. His football coach, Coach Parker, would have been proud.

But then he got even more serious and he challenged them to read the Book of Mormon by Christmas. That is not an easy commitment for them since they are already commited to reading the entire Old Testament this year for seminary. He's been reading it again since getting to the MTC and finished up while on his flight. He's fallen in love with that book like never before.

He is working on catching up on some letters he is behind on. He also wanted us to send a big thank you to those who sent care packages. He was REALLY feeling the love the week prior to his birthday. He plans to get thank you's out, but wanted you to know how much he appreciates everything. He said it was really hard in the MTC to find time to write because their time was so tightly scheduled. I suspect he'll find he is just as busy and just as exhausted in the Philippines, but we will see. Even if he gets letters sent, it could be a while before they are received. I'm told regular mail can talk an entire month! Just before Austin signed off, he said, "Wow, I just heard someone swear! That was so weird!" Now there is a great side benefit from living in the MTC!

We cannot wait to get his first email from the Philippines! I can only imagine the sights, sounds and smells that are about to invade his senses.

Week 8

This was Elder Claiborne's final week in the MTC. As you will see from his email, he is pretty excited to be on his way to the Philippines. Elder Claiborne mentions the challenges provided by the MTC and how long his time there has felt. In speaking with other missionaries, it has become apparent to me that while a few love their time spent in the Missionary Training Center, most are anxious to complete that training and be on their way. I equate the MTC training with a boot camp or sorts, or perhaps the training an athlete must endure in preparing to achieve greatness. The MTC is the training ground for a missionary and while not always exciting, is vital in preparing each of the Savior's emissaries to represent him with full purpose of heart.

From here on out, Elder Claiborne's letters will begin to become REALLY interesting! I hope to hear of exotic foods and lifestyle differences. But above all, I look forward to hearing of those whose lives are about to change for eternity because one young man loves the Savior enough to spend two years serving him full-time.

Elder Claiborne mentions Elder Jeffery R. Holland in his post. For those of you who are not members of our church, Elder Holland is one of the 12 Apostles called and set apart as special witnesses of Jesus Christ. This follows the same pattern organized by the Savior when he walked the earth and continued after his death until the great apostasy. You can read about the Savior calling his apostles and the continuation of that organization following his death in, among other places, Luke 6 and Acts 1. Elder Jeffery R. Holland is a favorite speaker among many i n our church. If you are interested in hearing what he has to say, the links to two of my favorite discourses are as follows:

As an Apostle, Elder Holland holds the title "Elder" as a lifetime title and priesthood calli ng, whereas Elder Claiborne will only be referred to by that title until the completion of his two year mission.

If you are using to write to Elder Claiborne, remember that you will now need to send the letters "pouch mail". In the future if you want to write to Elder Claiborne and don't want to set up a account, you can forward letters to and we will see that he gets them. You can also just use the regular mail system, but I don't know the cost of sending a letter. If you intend to send a package, they have weird rules for sending stuff. Basically, if you send a large or expensive package, customs is known to charge an exorbitant surcharge which the missionary will have to pay before retrieving the package. Small things are not a problem. Elder Claiborne has decided that his favorite thing to receive now is pictures from home which is perfect because they are cheap and easy to send.

Elder Claiborne doesn't know it, but there are some planning to meet him at the airport in Salt Lake to send him off with some extra love. He will be sooooo excited! If you live in Salt Lake and want to do the same, I suggest being at the airport at least by 6pm and then just hanging out and looking for a big herd of missionaries! Thanks again to all the people we love in Utah who have been watching out for him for us! We love you!

General Update:

Well it's been a pretty crazy day and crazy week. I finally got everything packed and hopefully I won't have to pay extra for baggage because they haven't been real clear on the regulations for the flight to Hong Kong... It will be an adventure for sure. I'm pretty nervous/scared/excited for my first day in Manila on Wednesday. I feel like I'll be able to express myself for the most part in Tagalog, but I'm scared I won't be able to understand the natives because they will speak so fast.

Tuesday was a pretty amazing day. It was our last devotional at the MTC and none other than Elder Jeffery R. Holland showed up to speak to us. It was an amazing message which answered a lot of prayers I've been looking for answers to. His main message was about how much God loves us. I took a few pages of notes, but I don't have them with me... Maybe next week I can email a few of the things he said. That man is as much of an Apostle as Peter James and John. This is the real deal people.

Usually when something comes to an end, I look back and feel like the time flew. Not this time. I feel like I've been in the MTC for years! I'm so ready to get out there and be with the people. I know all my work here has been service to them, because it has better prepared me to speak to/teach them. When I've kept in mind why I'm here, it helps a lot. It still hasn't been easy so far though. I never expected the plethora of challenges provided in the MTC.

Here's the most updated address I have for letters. I'll be sure to update it as much as possible. I don't really know how it all works for stamps, so I'll leave that up to you guys to figure out!

Elder Austin Claiborne

Philippines Manila Mission

PO Box 1997

Makita Central, Makita City

0714 Metro Manila


If you need a phone number to put on anything tracked, here it is:

Phone: 63 2-899-9128

I hope everyone takes some time this week to read their scriptures, and maybe study the atonement. The love Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have for us is unfathomable. Jesus lives. God is good. I miss you all and love you very much.


Elder Claiborne

P.S. I got an email from my Mother about the BYU win over Ole' Miss. Go Cougs!