After receiving word that the missionaries would be allowed to call home from the airport before their flights to their mission destinations, we planned a "special" Family Home Evening which consisted of staring at our cell phones and willing them to ring. Finally around 9:30 pm we got the call. I don't even like to talk on the phone, but hearing Austin's voice on the other end was an oh so sweet sound!
We talked his ear off. He had finished up at the MTC with some really positive experiences but we could hear in his voice how excited, yet nervous, he was to finally, finally, be on his way! I cannot remember most of what we talked about. Our only goal seemed to be to keep him on the phone so the call didn't end.
He gave us the details about his flights and who was in his group. Jack gave him travel advice. He talked about how much his niece, Olivia has already changed in just the few weeks he's been gone. Austin shared with us again how amazing Elder Holland's talk was from the prior week.
It was especially fun to hear Austin talk to his brothers. They were all hanging on each other's words. Austin went into coaching mode at one point after listening to them talk to him about how they were doing in football. He gave him the lecture about hard work and not giving up and reminded them that it goes by fast. His football coach, Coach Parker, would have been proud.
But then he got even more serious and he challenged them to read the Book of Mormon by Christmas. That is not an easy commitment for them since they are already commited to reading the entire Old Testament this year for seminary. He's been reading it again since getting to the MTC and finished up while on his flight. He's fallen in love with that book like never before.
He is working on catching up on some letters he is behind on. He also wanted us to send a big thank you to those who sent care packages. He was REALLY feeling the love the week prior to his birthday. He plans to get thank you's out, but wanted you to know how much he appreciates everything. He said it was really hard in the MTC to find time to write because their time was so tightly scheduled. I suspect he'll find he is just as busy and just as exhausted in the Philippines, but we will see. Even if he gets letters sent, it could be a while before they are received. I'm told regular mail can talk an entire month! Just before Austin signed off, he said, "Wow, I just heard someone swear! That was so weird!" Now there is a great side benefit from living in the MTC!
We cannot wait to get his first email from the Philippines! I can only imagine the sights, sounds and smells that are about to invade his senses.
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